Alaska Ferry Information

Viking Travel Inc. / | Petersburg, Alaska | Alaska Ferry Information

The Alaska Ferry is a great way to travel to and from Alaska. Most communities in Southeast Alaska are serviced year round. In past years during the summer months, sailings continued from Southeast Alaska across the Gulf of Alaska to ports in South Central. Whittier, AK is the closest port to Anchorage. This service is currently suspended. The ferry does make stops along the way allowing you to see the different towns. The ferry routes are classified as a highway, thus the stops are short, typically anywhere from a half hour to three hours. If you are wanting to get off the ferry and spend time in various towns along the way, you will have to book multiple segments for each leg of the trip. People, vehicles, trailers, boats, motorhomes, motorcycles, bikes, kayaks, and pets can be transported on the Alaska Ferry. You are allowed to bring your own food, or food and beverages are available for purchase on board. All ferries have public bathrooms and showers. You do not have to book a room (also called a Stateroom or Cabin) if you want to travel without one, however they do make the journey much more comfortable.

Check out the ferry calculator here for a quote. Contact us for more information or to make a reservation.

Alaska Ferry Routes

There is weekly service between Bellingham and Southeast Alaska. The 2025 schedule does not include service to Prince Rupert or across the Gulf of Alaska. If you take the ferry to Haines or Skagway, Alaska you can use the road system to travel up to Southcentral Alaska. Give us a call to get information about how to make your ferry trip possible this summer or make a reservation request online.

Viking Travel Inc. / | Petersburg, Alaska | Alaska Ferry Schedules
Viking Travel Inc. / | Petersburg, Alaska | Alaska Ferry Schedules


Bellingham Pr. Rupert Ketchikan Wrangell Petersburg Sitka Juneau Haines Skagway
Pr. Rupert --- --- 6 hrs 12 hrs 15 hrs 25 hrs 23 hrs 27 ½ hrs 28 ½ hrs
Ketchikan 38 hrs 6 hrs --- 6 hrs 9 hrs 19 hrs 17 hrs 21 ½ hrs 22 ½ hrs
Wrangell 44 hrs 12 hrs 6 hrs --- 3 hrs 19 hrs 11 hrs 15 ½ hrs 16 ½ hrs
Petersburg 47 hrs 15 hrs 9 hrs 3 hrs --- 10 hrs 8 hrs 12 ½ hrs 13 ½ hrs
Sitka 57 hrs 25 hrs 19 hrs 21 hrs 18 hrs --- 8 ½ hrs 13 hrs 14 hrs
Juneau 55 hrs 23 hrs 17 hrs 11 hrs 8 hrs 8 ½ hrs --- 4 ½ hrs 5 ½ hrs
Haines 59 ½ hrs 27 ½ hrs 21½ hrs  15 ½ hrs 12 ½ hrs 13 hrs 4 ½ hrs --- 1 hr
Skagway 60 ½ hrs 28 ½ hrs 22 ½ hrs 16 ½ hrs 13 ½ hrs 14 hrs 5 ½ hrs 1 hr ---

(Mileage Chart)

Driving Times

Anchorage Denali Park Fairbanks Haines Homer Seattle Seward Skagway Tok Valdez Whitehorse
Anchorage x 237 358 775 226 2435 126 832 328 304 724
Denali Park 237 x 121 774 463 2434 363 953 327 457 723
Fairbanks 358 121 x 653 584 2313 484 710 206 364 602
Haines 775 774 653 x 1001 1962 901 359 447 701 251
Homer 226 463 584 1001 x 1661 173 1058 554 530 950
Seattle 2435 2434 2313 1962 2661 x 2561 1819 2107 2341 1711
Seward 126 363 484 901 173 2561 x 958 454 430 850
Skagway 832 953 710 359 1058 1819 958 x 504 758 108
Tok 328 327 206 447 554 2107 454 504 x 254 395
Whitehorse 304 457 364 701 530 2361 430 758 254 x 650
Valdez 724 723 602 251 950 1711 850 108 396 650 x

(Alaska Ferry Printed Schedules)

Sample Fares and Rates

Fares for passengers, cabins/staterooms and vehicles are all figured separately and based on one-way travel.

You can check the individual fares on our calculator to determine your approximate cost. Vehicle fares do not include a driver/passenger fare.

For example, if there are two people traveling in your party, you are bringing a car on board, and you would like one cabin, you should add:

2 passenger fares
1 vehicle fare
1 cabin fare

You can always contact us for more information or to make a reservation.