Our Partners
The MILEPOST©: Legendary Alaska trip planner and Alaska travel guide to the highways, roads, ferries, lodgings, recreation, sightseeing attractions and services along the Alaska Highway to and within Alaska, including Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories and the Yukon.

Explore your visit at the official state of Alaska Vacation and Travel Information site.

CSA Travel Protection is dedicated to providing sound, reasonably-priced insurance coverage and assistance services to safeguard family vacation, couples' retreats, business travel and more. Their plans are designed to protect the diverse needs of today's traveler.
Travel Information
Travel preparation is important. However one of the key elements to an enjoyable travel experience is to be prepared before departure. Due to ever changing airline security measures and changing FAA policies and procedures, below we have provided links to the critical websites for up to date information.
Find the latest from the FAA at www.FAA.gov.
Check www.tsa.gov for the most up to date information to get you through security quickly.
- Airport Security Checkpoint Wait Times from the U.S. Security Transport Administration
- National Traffic and Road Closure Information from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
- Passport Information from the U.S. Department of State
- U.S. Customs & Border Protection home page
- Canadian Immigration and Tourist Visas home page
- Travel Advocacy website sponsored by the US Travel Insurance Association (UStiA)
Before traveling to foreign countries, find out if there are any safety or weather advisories for which to be prepared. The following links will take you to the appropriate web site for more information.
- Intellicast: International Weather Watch
- Center for Disease Control Traveler's Health Advisories